
Our Referral Program

The Referral Program

It allows you to earn points based on different actions on the site.

You can then redeem those points for free Wishes!
Are you a professional? Turn your points into commission.

How to earn points?

With your user actions:

1 Pt.

Creation of your account

1 Pt.

Validation of your email

1 Pt.

First registration to the newsletter

1 Pt.

Completed profile (address, telephone)

1 Pt.

1 purchased wish

8 Pts

Enthusiastic sharing of your experience with the 100 Wishes (social networks...)

With your project creator actions:

1 Pts

Every 8 purchased wishes in your Project

8 Pts

You have completed 2 projects and you are opening the 3rd, you are a great Referrer!!

With your referrals' actions: *** :

0.5 Pt.

Per wish purchased in Projects created by your referred friends

Important: : There is no limit to the number of points your referrals can earn you! ?

What to earn with your points?

Every 8 pts.

1 free wish

From 64 pts.

Become a professional Referrer and convert your points into €! (SIRET mandatory)

*** How to refer your referrals?

Any user of 100 Wishes becomes a referral:

  • By making a wish in your created project
  • By using one of your promo codes
  • By registering for the 100 Wishes with your Referral link

What to share with your loved ones?

Your Referral Link